Just about about every OR is different and it is your job to “profile” the room once you arrive. Yes, the same as what Jason Bourne would do when he enters a room or situation - there are twelve people, six with brown hair, four of which are female, one has perfectly pink manicured hands, two wearing glasses, and one that looks a little hungover. It sounds a little crazy but it is your job to look for details!
Here are some things that you should be on your OR profiling checklist:
My trays are in the room -
- Patient is male or female, age, side of body - this should get your brain firing on implant expectations.
- Is the power equipment in the room - with extra batteries!
- Where are the disposable gloves - for when I help clean.
- Where are the surgical gloves - be the first to grab and hand to nurse as they often tear.
- Where is the iodine bottle in case of a needle stick - this is serious and real.
- Is the C-arm in the room, plugged in and on the correct side of the table.
- Where is the patient positioner - sometimes that means tape.
- Surgeons favorite chair in the room
- Surgeon’s extras tray or peel packed favorites on the table - nothing like waiting 10 minutes for an instrument someone forgot from the preference card. A great rep should feel this is on them.
- Correct saw blades and burrs are available for surgeon choosing.
- Where are the patient stickers.
- Have I introduced myself to the nurse and tech.
- Where can I put my iPad or bill sheet and it be out of the way.
- Where are the sutures, knife blades, etc…
There are probably 100 more we are missing so please share with us what crosses your mind when you enter YOUR operating room.
The elite reps are detail oriented and profile like a badass spy! I’m partial to Sean Connery.